The Welcome Gala for Freshmen

Posted on Sep. 13,2024 by Dong Quanyue|Qingdao Vocational and Technical College of Hotel Management 

The  Welcome Gala for Freshmen was successfully held in the stadium on the evening of September 12.

With the theme of Youthfulness in a Prosperous China, Going on a New Journey Together”, the Gala was divided into two chapters, namely Meeting in the Mountains and the Sea, Setting Sail to the Dream and Youthfulness Toward the Party, Building the Future.

Combining professional characteristics and their own advantages, each secondary school innovatively choreographed songs, dances, etiquette drills, scenarios and other forms of programs, which fully demonstrated the spirit of young students pursuing their dreams and strengthening the country.

Combined with the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China, the Gala celebrated the magnificent struggle of New China and the great achievements that have attracted the world's attention.

The Gala closely followed the patriotic line, and finally came to a close with the song My Motherland and I full of youthful melody.