The colorful activities are organized to pass on intangible cultural heritage skills

Posted on Sep. 13,2024 by Dong Quanyue|Qingdao Vocational and Technical College of Hotel Management 

On the occasion of the National Science Popularization Day, a unique intangible cultural heritage skill inheritance activity was held in Qingdao Bobo Kezi Museum of the college on 11th September.

At the scene of the activity, the colourful display of intangible cultural heritage skills was fascinating, and the audience had a wonderful experience of ‘Virtuous Craftsmanship Crafts China’.

Zhao Dunling, chairman and curator of Qingdao Hiayou Museum, gave a lecture on the theme of ‘Innovation and Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage Projects’, which deeply analyzed the development path and innovation direction of intangible cultural heritage projects, especially Chinese digital shadow puppet painting.

Wang Piwen, master of intangible cultural heritage, demonstrated the production process of Bobo Kezi, from the selection of raw materials to the use of carving tools, from the design and conception of the pattern to the treatment of every detail, the cultural connotation and regional characteristics of the production technology, which made everyone deeply feel the profoundness and unique charm of traditional culture.

Zhang Guifeng, a master cook, explained in detail the utensils and materials needed to make mooncakes and shared her skills and experience in mooncake making.

This activity aims to promote the close connection between popular science propaganda and people's life, to make cultural inheritance and practical experience deeply intertwined, and to contribute positively to the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage skills.