The faculty meeting for autumn semester

Posted on Aug. 23,2024 by Dong Quanyue|Qingdao Vocational and Technical College of Hotel Management 

The college held a faculty meeting in the Academic Lecture Hall on August 23, arranging the deployment of this semester's work tasks to promote the high-quality development of the college effectively.

Li Da, secretary of the Party committee,comprehensively summarized the summer work in the audit, enrollment, national training and provincial training, social practice, teaching ability competition and so on. 

Li Da emphasized that the work of the new semester to anchor the positioning of the type of vocational education, to achieve a high level of school capacity, high quality integration of production and education; to focus on school governance capacity enhancement, multi-measures  to grasp the audit problem rectification work; to resolutely guard the bottom line of the school's development, and strive to promote the school of connotation and high quality development.

Li Da asked the whole school should join hands, enhance the sense of service, strengthen the awareness of the problem to build the cradle of vocational talents of China's hospitality industry.

President Jiang Yupeng deployed the key work of the new semester. He pointed out that the overall work requirements for this semester is to grasp the three major tasks of the year, focusing on six aspects of quality and efficiency in the Party building leadership, connotation construction, education level, governance capacity, management level, service capacity. Jiang Yupeng arranged eight aspects of the new semester work, such as promoting the connotation of the construction of quality and efficiency.

All the staff have expressed that they should seriously study the new semester staff meeting spirit with a high sense of responsibility, and  promote the high-quality development of the college.