We're the excellent pilot college and assessment site for the vocational skill certificate of e-commerce data analysis

By Dong Quanyue | Qingdao Vocational and Technical College of Hotel Management  

Our college won excellent pilot college and excellent assessment site for the 2021 1 + X vocational skill certificate of e-commerce data analysis at the commendation meeting for the pilot work of e-commerce data analysis.

The commendation meeting was hosted by Beijing Bodao Qiancheng Information Technology Co., Ltd., a national vocational education and training evaluation organization recognized by the Ministry of Education. At the same time, the online seminar on the mode of post course, certificate integration and education was held with the participation of more than 800 pilot colleges across the country.

Since it was selected into the first batch of pilot colleges of the vocational skill certificate of e-commerce data analysis in 2020, the School of Business has actively explored the integration mode of course competition certificate of posts with the teaching goal of professional standards and skill requirements of posts. The curriculum standard is integrated with the skill standard of X certificate, the teaching process is connected with the working process of the position corresponding to X certificate, and the teaching evaluation is connected with the assessment requirements of X certificate. As a pilot course, business data analysis has more than 400 students per academic year, with a certificate acquisition rate of 90%, ranking in the forefront of the country.