Our college is successfully selected as "Intelligent Teaching Pilot Project (ITPP)"

By Dong Quanyue, Qingdao Vocational and Techinical College of Hotel Management

Recently, the Online Education Research Center of the Ministry of Education(OERCME) issued the Notice on the results of the selection of Intelligent Teaching Pilot Project(ITPP), and our college was successfully selected. The selection of ITPP is a key job of the OERCME to promote the excellent experience of relevant colleges in the field of intelligent teaching and actively create a good atmosphere for carrying out intelligent teaching.

Actively promoting online curriculum construction and Internet + classroom teaching mode reform is an important measure to accelerate the teaching reform of vocational education by using modern information technology. It is of great significance for improving teachers' teaching ability, innovating teaching methods and improving the quality of personnel training. We’ve  vigorously carried out information technology-based curriculum construction, and have built two national quality online open courses, 13 provincial quality resource sharing courses, three batches of 71 college-level quality resource sharing courses and five batches of 146 pilot informatization courses. In order to encourage teachers to actively apply their wisdom to teaching, experts from inside and outside schools were invited to organize many related training sessions in 2018, totaling about 150 training sessions.

We will speed up the construction of the intelligent learning environment, the construction of the intelligent learning system, the planned introduction of intelligent teaching tools, the high-quality resources for teachers' basic ability training, constantly explore the reform of the educational teaching mode based on new technology, accumulate advanced experience and excellent cases that can be popularized, and do a good job in demonstrating the intelligent teaching.